Focus Maui Nui – Home Grown mo’ bettah
- are fresher and taste better
- are available year-round
- have much less environmental impact
- preserve green space & farmland
- promote food safety
- support our local economy
- provide variety
- create community
By eating foods that are grown and raised locally, with the same air and water that we breathe and drink, we connect to this unique environment and become part of the local ecosystem.
Think you can’t taste the difference between lettuce picked yesterday and lettuce picked last week, factory-washed, and sealed in plastic? You can. And fresh food lasts longer too.
Slow Food Movement
Slow Food Movement is making a fast comeback. Cooking whole meals at home with fresh and local protein and vegetable is solving the nation’s condition to rush through meals. It is now encouraged to actually cook and eat together as family and friends. www.slowfoodhawaii.org
- Local Organic Food and Clothing
- School and Youth Gardens
- Community Supported Agriculture (CSA)